USA, Canada. Hi guys. In this video, we will talk about freight between the United States and Canada. This is one of the good routes in the truck business. In order to start working in this direction, you need to take few simple steps in order to obtain special permits. In addition, there are some requirements for the driver who will be moving across the Canadian border and back. So, in order to start successfully, you definitely need to get a bond. This is a permit for the importation of goods into Canada and the exportation of goods.
This permission is issued by the Canadian Border Services Agency. You also need to obtain the International Registration Plan (IRP). The International Registration Plan (IRP) is a reciprocity agreement among states of the US and provinces of Canada, which recognizes the registration of commercial model vehicles registered by other jurisdictions. It provides for payment of appointment licensing fees based on the total distance operated in all member jurisdictions.
The main principle of the IRP is to promote and encourage the best possible use of roads. The advantage of this plan is that the carrier can only be registered in its state. Each vehicle needs only one specialty designed number, APP or PRP as well as so called Cab Card, which lists all the jurisdictions in which your truck is valid for doing business and for what weight it has been registered for transportation in these states. You also need to get registered at the local DOT office, Department of Transportation in the state where you registered your business.
The cost of obtaining this for the first one year is about $2,000. It usually takes once a year. The first year is a bit more expensive as the average mileage is calculated. Documents required for IRP registration. Keep in mind. Your base jurisdiction is the state your vehicle is registered in. This involves having the business in the jurisdiction with the street address, telephone number and the names of the people who are conducting business at that location. Additionally, note, operation records have to be available yet a US DOT number. This is a number that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration uses in the identification of your vehicles. Get FMCSA authorization.
This permission will allow you to hold goods beyond your jurisdiction. Get an IFTA permit. You need to make sure that you are registered with the IFTA. This simplifies the reporting of fuel used by motor carriers operating in multiple jurisdictions. Furthermore, to do this, visit your state’s IFTA department or visit the IFTA website, to find your state in a Trucking Office IFTA Resource Center. Internal Revenue Service IRS Form 2290 duly filled and payment made.
5). Complete these forms. Visit your Local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), contact your jurisdiction or ask a local IRP office for these forms.
New accounts: Schedule A/E and Schedule B.
Changes to the existing account. Schedule C.
Adding jurisdiction: Schedule F.
Conduct a drug test of your truck driver with a reputable drug testing company. Note. You will get an appointed driver license plate after both IRP and IFTA accounts are set up. Display this for the power unit. You will also get an appointed Cab Card which lists all the jurisdictions in which you are registered to operate. As you receive the decal, place it on the lower right corner of your front registration plate. In a truck-to-trailer cases, they will give decals for each trailer. They need to be on lower right corner of the Trailer’s plate.
If you registered with the IFTA for the first time throughout the course of this process, place the two stickers on each side of the cab’s exterior. The license has to be inside the cab at all times. So be sure to always have it on hand. In addition, you must obtain the CBSA code (Canadian Border Services Agency). Road carriers, regardless of how often they cross the Canadian border with commercial goods must use a valid carrier code issued by the CBSA. This code is unique for character identifier assigned by the CBSA to identify the carrier. This code will be used in the PARS system, Pre-Reception System. Carriers must have printed barcodes that can be attached to all BOLs.
Barcode stickers can be printed at any company proposed by CBSA. Also, at CBSA, you will receive a fast membership card. Fast commercial driver allows fast to use special rules in Canada and the United States across the border with accelerated customs and immigration processing. Transport relevant goods for carriers and importers approved by fast. Don’t forget to add the Canadian provinces that you will cross [0:05:06 inaudible] of IFTA.
In order for your driver to cross the border, he needs a passport as well as clear CDL records. The rest of the work in customs clearance of goods and additional documents is done by a broker. He makes eManifest. Carriers transporting goods to Canada are required to transmit cargo and electronic data to CBSA at least one hour before cargo arrives at the border. Also, PARS. Stick the PARS sticker on BOL and send it to your broker. Subsequently he will present it to the CBSA for customs clearance. At the customs control, you need to pass the documents to the customs officer. The eManifest start list should be first followed by bol with PARS barcodes. Thanks for attention. See you in the next video.