Driver Search

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Driver Search

Lesson Four. Driver search. Hi guys. In this video, we will talk about the procedures of finding and hiring a driver. We have already discussed many topics related to the documents and bureaucratic procedures for opening a freight company. And in this video, I would like to describe the driver search algorithm, a kind of checklist for you. What is the main criteria for a good driver? First of all, it is a professionalism and work experience.

A good driver should not have violations. Much depends on the good record. The first is a cost of insurance for this driver. And it’s worth noting that the cost of insurance is influenced by the driving experience. The more experience, the better. How and where to look? One of the best ways is to place an advertisement about finding a driver on such advertising sites as Craigslist or RoosereK’s [0:00:55 unclear]. Craigslist is one of the most popular sites with ads in the United States. RoosereK is an advertising platform mainly for Russian speakers in the United States.

In the ad, you must provide the information clearly in order to attract potential drivers. That is, you should specify not only what kind of salary you’re offering, but also provide information on the following nuances. Truck trailer, the model and the year the truck was manufactured. Type of gearbox. Almost everyone prefers to ride on the automatic box. How much will you pay for extra stops? This question interests the drivers. Layover. What is the payment if there is any? Does your company pay for the vacation and the minimum number of miles with guarantees with your company.

License categories. It’s important for you to know the details about the license categories, because very often you’ll be called upon by drivers whose categories are not suitable. You need a driver with a license category that is CDLA compliant. Driving experience. We advise you to hire a driver with driving experience of at least six months. In addition, you need to know if there is any violations of this driver not only on the working machine, but also on the personal one. Why is it important? In some states, even if the driver has violations and fines on his old car, this may affect the cost of insurance that you will pay.

For example, you found the driver that sues you and would sue your company. The first thing to do is registering the driver and the insurance company. After this, you make an application for the driver sample drug test, how to do it and what is required was explained in one of our video lessons. If the test is negative, the driver road test can be done. That is a test of driver’s skills. The next step which should be taken is concluding an agreement with the driver or drivers Application of Employment.

Also be sure to put the driver in the driver’s list and his social security number. The driver must provide you with his medical card. In addition, you should have an MVR. This is a list of previous jobs of the driver. By the way, these documents are also requested by the DOT inspector. In addition, the DOT inspector will ask for the screenshot of a driver’s logbook for the last three months of operation. Thanks for attention.

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