Best Guide: How To Start A Dispatch Company

Dispatcher Training

Best Guide: How To Start A Dispatch Company

Are you passionate about trucking and dispatching services? Are you interested in the business side of things? Then it would help if you thought about starting your own company.

However, it would be best to consider a few things before moving on. This is important since you can’t expect to manage a profitable trucking business because you know everything about trucks. You must do your due diligence.

Truck dispatching is a competitive field, but it can also be incredibly lucrative, and you may put your company up for success even before you start it. This article will answer your questions about truck dispatcher jobs, freight dispatcher jobs and how to start a dispatch company.

Understand What A Truck Dispatcher Does

A truck dispatcher has to coordinate and arrange freight transportation, communicating with the drivers, vendors, and suppliers.

Most dispatchers also take care of their clients’ bills and paperwork. Some even offer round-the-clock assistance. Furthermore, you may provide extra services, such as verifying your suppliers’ creditworthiness and negotiating your load’s price. Each of these tasks necessitates the use of specialized gear. As a trucking or freight dispatcher, you can anticipate performing the following responsibilities:

Find Suitable Freight Load

Dispatchers help transportation businesses discover proper freight loads. Customer service and pricing negotiation are two primary methods of achieving this result for their clientele. A trucking company with a consistent workload and pricing can be relied upon to deliver its promises.

Manage The Schedule

Truck dispatchers handle the truck drivers’ schedules. This includes scheduling pick-up and drop-off times and managing any changes or cancellations. Dispatchers will typically choose the best routes for drivers to travel to increase productivity.

Handle Administrative Tasks

A wide range of administrative duties is likely to fall under the purview of dispatchers. These could include scheduling meetings with possible clients, processing bills and payments, updating databases, gathering driver information, and maintaining records.

Steps To Start A Dispatch Business

Here are a few steps you can follow to become an independent trucking dispatcher and start a dispatching business today.

Research Truck Dispatcher Requirements

Truck dispatcher training and market research are necessary before starting any new business so that you can set your prices fairly and understand the local market. So, to begin, explore around your neighborhood for other companies that provide comparable services. This is an excellent technique for identifying possible customers or clients. You may personalize your pitches to local businesses’ specific needs by learning about them.

Register Your Business

Apply For Employer Identification Number

It would be best to choose a business name early on and register it with the state to become a freight dispatcher. Once you’ve settled on a business name, the next step is to register with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN).

Choose A Business Structure

A sole proprietorship, an LLC, a corporation, or a partnership are all viable business structures. With an LLC, you can secure your assets and define the parameters of your company.

Familiar With Legal Obligations

The tax and other requirements you must fulfill will depend on the structure of your organization. For instance, meet truck dispatcher license requirements. Moreover, if you plan to hire someone, have them complete Forms W-4 and I-9. Additionally, you must know the maximum number of hours truck drivers are permitted to work in 24 hours. So, you must know all the laws regarding the Dispatching Truck Services business in the States. You’ll also need to know more rules if you send them overseas.

Create Draft For Contract

The next step is to draft some of the contracts critical to your company’s operation. As part of this, you’ll need to sign a service agreement outlining your fees and the services you’ll perform, as well as a trucking dispatcher-carrier agreement to ensure the carrier’s insurance will cover you if something goes wrong with the freight. You’ll be able to begin working for your partners more quickly if you have these documents ready to go.

Establish A Marketing Strategy

In the next step, you’ll need to devise a marketing strategy for dispatching. An excellent and affordable method of attracting customers for this business is through establishing social media presence and building your company’s website. Choose a short, simple-to-remember domain name for your website that incorporates your company’s name.

Make a YouTube channel if it’s something that interests you. Using a YouTube channel, you may show off your expertise and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Most significantly, your website will help argue why any possible partners should do business with you. After registering your domain, you may use the same name for advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

When creating a website that converts, keep these five things in mind:


You want visitors to your website to clearly understand what your company does and what services you have to offer right away. Instead of forcing visitors to scroll down to find out more, place your message front and center, so they don’t abandon your site before knowing what you do. The goal of your homepage is to pique visitors’ interest and entice them to explore more.

Sales Pitch

In this section, you can go into deeper depth about what you do and how you differ from the rest of the pack. When you’ve finished your presentation, your potential partner should be eager to work with you on a project.

CEO Visibility

Trucking is about building relationships, and displaying a likable CEO on your website increases your chances of doing so. If you’re the CEO, your photo should be prominently displayed on the website. This fosters a sense of closeness and might facilitate rapport-building with the potential mate.


Another way to describe it is the “FOMO” component of the website. You want your potential partner to feel like leaving your website will cost them something. This brings us back to the topic of your messaging and emphasizes what makes you different from the others.


There should be some testimonials on your website. In the early stages of your career, you may not have clients who can speak highly of your abilities as an independent truck dispatcher. That’s fine. Personal references from friends, mentors, or teachers can help you appear more credible to possible partners and clients.

Get A Subscription To High-Quality Load Board

As a truck dispatcher, your job is to locate suitable loads for your drivers. To do this, you’ll need an excellent load board where you can view hundreds of freight postings from all around the country. Several free load boards are available, but if you want to discover high-quality freight for your carriers, you should invest in a premium subscription board.

These load boards have hundreds of thousands of new loads available daily for truck dispatchers. You can always discover anything in their extensive listings that match the criteria of your carriers.

Start Up Connections

Real success in the trucking industry is all about building connections, not finding loads on load boards. Carriers, shippers, and brokers should be on your list of priorities as soon as possible. Numerous web directories make it simple to find any potential partners.

How To Find Carriers And Loads?

Carriers and loads must be found after your business is up and running. There are several ways to locate small trucking companies and carriers in your vicinity. Here are a few useful approaches:

Use A Directory

Find carriers through a directory to inform them of your services. These directories will give you contact information so that you may get in touch with possible business partners and begin building relationships.

Come With Ads Platforms

You can use paid ads on sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google to reach a specific audience. You can specify your preferred audience using extensive targeting options while creating these ads. They will then reach the audience and convert them into your clients.

Contact Factoring Company

To spread the word about your business, a factoring firm can send emails to the people on its list. To obtain a new partner, you may need an email from that factoring company to a carrier looking for a new truck dispatcher.

Joining Online Groups

You can get free publicity for your business by joining transportation-related Facebook groups on Facebook. You can join the group and let people know about your company and services by commenting on existing postings or making new ones in which you offer your independent truck dispatcher services.

Tips To Maximize Your Dispatcher Business

Many effective strategies can increase your dispatch company successfully. This section will discuss a few such strategies and give you a rough idea of how much a dispatcher makes.

Use Best Technology

Previously, scheduling and dispatching were done manually. However, a lot of software has now supplanted the human approach. It’s up to you to figure out what kind of dispatch truck technology is right for you.

Additionally, the best truck dispatching software can prioritize time-sensitive cargo and track driver procedures, among other features. With the right technology, you will efficiently dispatch trucks on time without losing time or money.

Have An Eye For Detail

Truck dispatching necessitates meticulous attention to detail. You must consider many variables when determining which truck is sent where.

You must determine the most direct and cost-effective route for delivery vehicles. This saves fuel and time by not taking the longer course when a shorter one is available. Moreover, it would be best to keep tabs on local gasoline prices so that they may direct their drivers to the most cost-effective routes. You must also take related loads into account.

When you schedule the drops correctly, it can assist trucking companies in saving significant amounts of both time and cash.

A Good Rapport With Your Drivers

Even if you are a truck or freight dispatcher working from home, you still need to stay in touch with your drivers. Your best bet is to build a strong relationship with your drivers and get to know them well to ensure timely delivery.

These factors include how frequently drivers stop, their driving behaviors, and their ability to fill out paperwork. The dispatcher can use this information to plan more effective delivery routes and schedules.

Final Thoughts

Dispatching trucks is much more complex than working in a call center or other occupations that pay you to answer the phone. Freight dispatching training is paramount if you are looking to succeed in this field. It is a fast-paced job that requires the ability to remain calm under pressure. Dispatchers need to be able to keep their cool under pressure, as burnout is expected in this profession.

Being a dispatcher who works from home adds little to the job’s difficulty. Dispatchers have a lot of responsibilities. If you want to succeed in the dispatcher logistics industry, you’ll first need to be able to communicate and negotiate well with other participants. Second, you need to be well-organized, know how to use spreadsheets, have a knack for numbers, and be a natural leader.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the transportation, shipping, and trucking industries are expected to grow in the coming times. So, if you’re interested in pursuing a career as a dispatcher, now is the best time.

Get Certification In Dispatcher Training With Freight Broker 101

External certifications might help you establish your professional credentials in freight dispatcher training while also broadening your scope of knowledge. If you’re interested in how to become a dispatcher, you may earn your certification through Dispatcher training 101 and gain valuable practical experience. You can obtain your digital “Certificate of Completion” once you’ve finished our dispatch training course’s lectures and passed the graded quiz.

Contact us for more information on our truck dispatcher course online for free.

People Also Ask Questions:

-How do I start a dispatch?

Explore around your neighborhood for other companies that provide comparable services. This is an excellent technique for identifying possible customers or clients

-How many trucks can a dispatcher handle?

This depends on your schedule and how many trucks you can manage in a timely manner.

-What do dispatch companies do?

A truck dispatcher has to coordinate and arrange freight transportation, communicating with the drivers, vendors, and suppliers

-How do I get a dispatch client?

Dispatchers help transportation businesses discover proper freight loads. Customer service and pricing negotiation are two primary methods of achieving this result for their clientele

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